Sunday, April 26, 2009
Cleopatra oh my.$blogitemtitle$>
I'd love to get myself on that gold cleopatra dress on my big day which is like hundred years down the road and have that egyptian kinda wedding theme. Amazing right. Well, it's free to dream big, so why not.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
running down the aisle in the library and just by glancing through the side of the books could give one so much idea that one doesn't need to open and see what's inside the book. That was what I did since I was so lazy to even flip on each and every book. Therefore I went off the library the moment I step in.
Was sketching at riverwalk when Gui Yao bumped into us. It's been donkey years since I last saw him. He's still the same old Gui Yao who's still slim and slender :D I remembered how he killed us in silence, came in as the top student in 5n2 and lands himself in tp doing one of Mr Andy's favourite course, tourism- the course that Mr Andy psycho us to consider due to the future resort that Singapore is developing now.I'm just so glad that I didn't fall into his trap because I found my passion here as a visual comm kid. :)
And yes, projects are starting to flow in like a leaking pipe.
OH YES, maryjane are selling at 99 bucks and that's a good deal because I saw the exact same maryjane for 150 bucks. Ohmy, why am I having so much fetish for shoes! This is really troubling me so much because my store isn't that big to fit in all the shoes I have including mom's. This is so dreadful because I really really am very bad with decision making. :( I want it but it's not really like the one that I posted on my blog some time back. oh mom. :(
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
grow up and blow away$blogitemtitle$>
My greatest fear are people of two faces and they are the most poisonous species on earth. You tell them this and they'll yack bout it intentionally in front of others if the feel like spurting out words. Fuck those people very much.
Monday, April 20, 2009
dead water lily thin$blogitemtitle$>
It feels like a freshman to come back to school for the first day though it's the first day of year two. New look on people and modification are made on the rooms also. It's so pathetic that now the room are cut into half and its plainly retarded that you can hear the conversation of the people from the next room. I'm a little disturbed by the unfinished renovation of theirs and hopefully it's "unfinished" still cause I'll be very disturbed if they are gonna leave it that way.
Not nice because we have no class privacy at all!
Well, today lesson ended off pretty early and I managed to sleep my way through the afternoon. It feels like heaven because I haven't been taking afternoon nap ever since I started working.
Anyway, I had my lower cartilage pierced not lon
g time back. BUT my itchy hands went to take the stud out to change it and to get the new stud through wasn't as easy as lobe piercing therefore now it's abandon. It wasn't fully heal and I didn't even know that until I ask the piercer and she says that it will take at least a month to heal. HAHA! I AM DAMN RETARDED because I took it off after 5 days and it was bleeding. sheeshh.. NVM! I shall let it heal, let the hole close and maybe re-pierce at the same spot some time soon.